金融行业资金系统风险管理交流群。 378216020 欢迎国内银行系统相关厂家及misys,sungard,Reuters,Murex,Calypso等业内相关人员加入讨论交流工作经验与工作机会。
zeuxisZhu 发表于 2014-2-9 22:16

mysis sungard 就让别人评论去了 你自己百度可以了解到口碑
MX在华主要有汇丰渣打光大兴业中行 本地支持 ...
dqlab 发表于 2014-3-18 22:51

you can pm me if you would like to know about murex.
Can't PM you becasue i am new here. I am wondering whether only Murex the company itself can help the bank to do the implemtation and maintanence. Any other company(s) you know can provide the technician? |
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