第一次接触folktronica(民谣电子)是聆听了Caroline这个精灵的歌唱,结合bjork灵活多变与mum冰晶玉卓,来自冲绳的日本女子将音乐变成了更为私人化的物品,关灯,静卧,留一盏萤火般光点,听来自森林里自然的轻吟~~ 这就是caroline 给我的启示:孤单而不说寂寞的情绪:sunrise,make me feel life,sunset,make me feel love。
Bacanal Intruder 的官方网站写到:
Bacanal intruder it's me (Luis) making music with instruments like a babypiano, melodica, harmonica, spanish guitar, doublebass, some crystal glasses, computer and everything my hands can lay on. Everything mixed up to create my personal bedroom world of sounds
他们的音乐更加的私密:将所有可以用手摆弄的东西发出声响,调制成了个人的卧室私人音响。 音乐变成了一种玩乐,更是一种个人私人的享受。
A melodica is tickled by microsounds during "Peladilla" to introduce you into this strange world where you'll hear a baby voice singing with you, but suddenly "La Pulga" is there to wake you up with its chaotic melodies and fast random sounds, and then a break; "Lloriao", simply a nice song, nothing more than that, and sometimes it's lovely realizing how simplicity could be beautiful by itself, just a riff, just a melody...it's enough to feel its beauty.
Just some minutes and we're already at the end of the ep, yes, but what an end! "Modem Prelude" and "Modem" are something really moving with a stretched guitar and a tender baby voice wich explains you what's the meaning of tenderness in 3 minutes: keep attention!
Folktronica是自从Four Tet上一专辑《Pause》后乐评人所用来形容Four Tet音乐的新音乐名词。而这里所谓的Folktronica并不是指单纯的民歌加上电音,如果你听过Four Tet的音乐,你就可以明白,Folktronica指的是以聆听性电音的形式,但其内涵却有许多舒服、恬淡的民谣精神。这样独创的音乐性具有现代电音特质,但不冷调,反而呈现出一种清新的田园风格。台北夏日热到这种地步,听Four Tet的音乐,你不会觉得什么排山倒海而来的震撼,但绝对可以感受到一阵清新的田园自然风。

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