我要说的主题是, 我要给team 找好多 AS400 开发的人哦,难死我了 工作地点在西安!
谁能给帮忙找几个,英文好的,做金融、银行、证券项目的,3~10年的都要,全职的哦 ! 哥哥姐姐,弟弟妹妹的大大滴要------9月前入职的可以申请公寓和探亲机票啊 薪水嘛挺好,甚至可以和类一线城市持平,不要把 出差和项目津贴都算进去啊,伤不起
哦,忘了贴职位要求了:(这个是TEAM LEADER 的要求,开发的需要3年以上即可)
l Bachelor degree or above, related professional priority, with strong oral and written English capability
l More than 6 years’ experience AS400 development; there are more than 3 project management experience, more than 2 years of management experience or experience requirements analysis
l More than two years software delivery management experience
l Familiar AS400 platform application development environment, mastering rpg4, cl, sql, one db2
l Have good language skills, communication skills, good management, organization and coordination
简历可以发给我:540074312@qq.com |
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